主题: DELIVERY FAILURE: 554 5.7.0 Reject, id=12318-15 - SPAM
A message from < > to:
was considered unsolicited bulk e-mail (UBE).
Our internal reference code for your message is 12318-15/1p81hd+0AJtJ
The message carried your return address, so it was either a genuine mail from you, or a sender address was faked and your e-mail address abused by third party, in which case we apologize for undesired notification.
We do try to minimize backscatter for more prominent cases of UBE and for infected mail, but for less obvious cases some balance between losing genuine mail and sending undesired backscatter is sought, and there can be some collateral damage on either side.
First upstream SMTP client IP address: [] cn According to a 'Received:' trace, the message apparently originated at: [], PC200808231249 []
Return-Path: < > From: "Antonio.Kirisun" < > Message-ID: < > Subject: =?UTF-8?B?562U5aSNOiDnrZTlpI06IOetlOWkjTogZ3JlZXRpbmc=?=
Delivery of the email was stopped!
修改/etc/amavisd.conf配置文件<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
- 1. 修改$final_spam_destiny配置值
- 2.$sa_kill_level_deflt
修改完以后,执行 amavisd reload 重新应用规则